About Us

Liberty Classical Schools exists to launch and support K-12 classical schools that emphasize virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility. The Mission of each Liberty school is to form knowledgeable, virtuous citizens. 

Our goal is to launch and operate ten K-12 American classical schools in 10 years.

By 2032, Liberty aims to serve over 9,000 students and their families and graduate over 400 citizen leaders every year. These men and women will be shaped by the best in our moral and intellectual heritage and prepared to build happy lives full of meaning and purpose. They will be well qualified for future studies in law, medicine, business, engineering, technology, theology, or any other professional or vocational pursuit.

At Liberty schools, subject-matter experts deliver a rigorous liberal arts curriculum that includes phonics, grammar, literature, mathematics, science, history, and Latin. Starting in Kindergarten with age-old fables that teach moral lessons and finishing in high school with many of the Great Books, students also study economics, computer science, moral philosophy, and government. Students are taught to practice virtues like courage, humility, self-government, and service, to engage in respectful discourse, and to master the written word. In an environment where every child is known, students are encouraged to participate in activities that include athletics, fine arts, clubs, student government, and more.

Our Virtues

Courage, Courtesy, Honesty, Humility, Perseverance, Self-Government, Service

Character pervades our curriculum. Students at Liberty partner schools acquire the virtues through “pillars of character”, the spirit behind the few simple but essential rules students learn and practice.  They further study the virtues in the great stories, real and imaginary, that comprise the human pageant.  In time, they read the philosophic truth of Socrates:

“For I go around doing nothing but persuading both young and old among you not to care for your body or your wealth in preference to or as strongly as for the best possible state of your soul, as I say to you: “Wealth does not bring about virtue, but virtue makes wealth and everything else good for men. ”

Liberty Classical Schools is a nonprofit school support organization, and its leadership team includes experienced operators of Hillsdale College’s Barney Charter School Initiative (BCSI) schools. It aligns its services exclusively to launch and support that school model in public charter school or private school environments.

As members of BCSI or licensees of its curriculum, Liberty schools offer families a time-tested liberal arts curriculum that teaches the fundamentals of reading, writing, literature, arithmetic, science, art, music, Latin, and a story-rich history curriculum.

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